About a week ago I put some “feelers” out there for potential homes for a retired adult. I didn’t specifically say I had one available because it was important to me to find the very best home for a very special girl. Mavis will be officially retiring in March. She’s been with our family all this time because my heart needed to heal after what I’d been through with her and her puppies last year. I am happy to report I have found her THE very best home. Stay tuned! On a side note, I’m looking forward to visiting Milo (Hagrid) on his first birthday Feb. 26th. I haven’t seen him since he left. It's been an absolute joy watching Tigger take to her new family. She is one spoiled little dog loved by many! I always knew she'd go to our good friends not long after we got her, so that decision when the time came to retire her was very easy. Seeing Tigger made me want Mavis to enjoy that kind of life as well. Not that she doesn't get plenty of attention here, she really does (my dogs are family members first and foremost), but she also competes with hormonal preggo Mama's from time to time too and that can't be the "good life of retirement" I want her to enjoy. What I went through with Mavis and her litter of puppies last year was truly a breeder's absolute worst nightmare. But we got through it, and almost all of the puppies ended up with the same families who originally picked them out. They stuck by them and I believe they all grew up and out of their little problems they had at 6 weeks old. And the cleft palate pup who I hand fed from day 1, Milo (Hagrid), is doing great and has the best family he could have asked for. They all do really. Like they say, breeding isn't for the faint of heart. There's good times, and there's bad, but really that's life in general. I'm grateful for all that I learned because of it and I'm truly grateful for the 5 families who have a Mavy Baby pup because they truly were my most memorable litter. Ok I wasn’t going to let the cat out of the bag until March, but then Samantha sent me this picture last night.
If this isn’t meant to be I don’t know what is! Mavis will be joining her son Will (formerly Severus) in March. ☘️ They’ll be quite the pair with those adorable minimal-white faces! Here’s to turning a family of 3 into a family of 4! Looking forward to seeing Kevin, Sam, and Will soon for the official meet and greet next month. And best of all? There was no need to explain Mavis' story. They already know. Meet the Feisty Five!
Lena, Bork, Odin, Loki, and Sid Born 1-9-19 This time I decided on a Scandinavian Theme (for the most part). I recently found out I am 42% Norwegian and 14% Swedish among others. I always knew my roots went back to Norway but I had no idea how much. It's always a lot of fun coming up with puppy nicknames. Much easier than naming my own dogs. Bork makes me chuckle. If you need a chuckle, pull up a clip of the Swedish Chef on YouTube! Bork Bork Bork! Some day we may have a Muppets theme too! :) Each pup will go home with their very own #badsushi frisbee this year!
Please be sure to send us a picture of you and your pal playing frisbee together. |
January 2025
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